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The optical cable junction box is used for the interface equipment at the junction of the main optical cable and the distribution optical cable in the optical transmission network. It is used for the fixing and protection of the optical cable, the fusion end of the optical cable, the protection of the optical fiber junction, the distribution and dispatch of the optical fiber line, the protection of the internal equipment and the installation of other value-added modules.
FTTH共建共享室光缆交接箱|欣昊四合一光缆交接箱(中国电信||广电网络|移动通信,FTTH四合一光缆交接箱是用于光纤接入网三网主干光缆与FTTH小区配线光缆节点处的接口设备,可以实现大容量光纤的熔接,终端存储以及调度等功能。该产品的应用,减少了三网的重复线路建设,精简线路,美化环境。*共和国通信行业标准通信光缆交接箱 Cross Connecting Cabinet for Communication Optical Cable YD/T 988-1998 1 范围 本标准规定了通信光缆交接箱。光缆交接箱用于光纤接入网中主干光缆与配线光缆交接处的接口配线设备。可对主,配线光缆进行固定,开剥,保护,终接及冗纤的盘绕,通过光纤跳线,能迅速方便地调度光缆中光纤序号以及改变传输系统的路由。产品具备模块化设计,优化的光缆管理系统,实现主干光缆与配线光缆交叉连接或互连,以及主干光缆之间的直通连接配线功能。且适用于多元化的XPON建设需求,提供多种光分路器增值单元解决方案
FTTH co-construction shared room optical cable junction box | Xinhao four-in-one optical cable junction box (China Telecom | China Unicom | Radio and Television Network | mobile communication special purpose, FTTH four-in-one optical cable junction box is used for optical access network three backbone cable and FTTH district distribution cable node interface equipment, can achieve large capacity optical fiber fusion, terminal storage to And dispatching functions. The application of this product reduced the construction of repeated lines in three networks, streamlined the lines and beautify the environment. Cross Connecting Cabinet for Communication Optical Cable YD/T 988-1998 1, the standard of communication industry of the People's Republic of China, stipulates the communication optical cable handover box. The optical cable transfer box is used for the interface wiring equipment between the main optical fiber cable and the wiring optical fiber cable in the optical fiber access network. It can fix, peel, protect, terminate and coil redundant fibers for main and distribution cables. It can quickly and conveniently dispatch the serial number of fibers and change the routing of transmission system through fiber jumper. The product has modular design, optimized cable management system, cross connection or interconnection between backbone cable and distribution cable, and direct connection and distribution function between backbone cable. It also applies to diversified XPON construction needs, and provides various optical splitter value-added unit solutions.
产品名称 单位 型号 产品规格 材质 防护等级 安装方式
光缆交接箱 台 (壁挂式)96芯 950*530*320
光缆交接箱 台 (壁挂式)144芯 720*530*320
光缆交接箱 台 (落地式)144芯 950*530*320
光缆交接箱 台 (落地式)288芯 750*320*1450
光缆交接箱 台 (落地式)576芯 750*600*1450
光缆交接箱是用于FTTX光缆通信网络中光缆端接、分配、调度、光信号分配,主要原料由SMC 纱、不饱和树脂、低收缩添加剂,填料及各种助剂组成。它在二十世纪六十年代初首先出现在欧洲,在1965 年左右,美、日相继发展了这种工艺。我国于80 年代末,引进了国外先进的SMC 生产线和生产工艺。 SMC 具有优越的电气性能,耐腐蚀性能,质轻及工程设计容易、灵活等优点,其机械性能可以与部分金属材料相媲美,因而广泛应用于运输车辆、建筑、电子/电气等行业中。)